
Showing posts from September, 2020

The Big Step

"All glory comes from daring to begin.” – Eugene F. Ware When I was fifteen, I had a vision of starting an organization that helps poor secondary school students. I envisioned my dream organization going from school to school, meeting needs. But for a whole year, my vision remained in my head, basically because I felt I was not ready to birthe such an idea. I mean, I didn't even have the money to register the organization, I hadn't found the perfect team members yet, I hadn't even found someone who bought into my idea. So why bother? These thoughts bugged my mind continuously, slowly pushing aside the entire vision.  Then one day, I met a man, Raphael Stephen, Founder and Executive Director of Fashioned And Made For Excellence (FAME) Foundation. He told me something that  changed my orientation forever.  He said, "Goodluck, if you keep waiting for the perfect time and situation before you work on your vision, you will most likely never see it come to reality....