
Showing posts from July, 2020


THE DEVIL CALLED COMFORT “You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.”   ― Roy T. Bennett I met a girl from Spain two months ago, Jade (fictitious). We met on Facebook and from our interactions; I got to know of a massive idea that she had. It had to do connection with web designing and to lift the idea off the ground, she had to enroll for any training that would give her the skills needed for her vision. But Jade had a problem; she couldn’t find any training centers close to her home – the nearest being about ten kilometers from her house. Being a teen from a wealthy family and having had all she wanted within her easy reach, Jade felt that she didn’t need to go that far to learn an “ordinary skill” when she could simply watch some videos on YouTube.   However, when the frustrations started creeping in, she was forced to abandon her big idea. Jade began to believe that she was working on ...
QUIT THE AIMLESS JOURNEY “There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It’s why you were born and how you become mostly alive.” – Ophrah Winfrey Every action taken by a man must be backed by purpose. The evidence of man’s existence is in the fulfilment of his purpose on earth. Most people go through frustration in various aspects of their lives because they have not discovered their purpose in life. One of the reasons why Nigeria is experiencing major setbacks in major areas of her economy (e.g. education, commerce, e.t.c.) is lack of purpose by many of her citizens. Most students do not have a drive that propels their desire for education. Many are riding on the wings of “normalcy”, in that their reason for education is to “fulfil all righteousness”. What we fail to realise is that normal actions produce normal results while extraordinary actions produce extraordinary results . Benjamin Disreali once said, “The secret of success is consta...


THE PLACE OF RESILIENCE IN SUCCESS “I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it.” – Maya Angelou The rate at which young people are springing up with ideas of change and societal development increases with time. Many youths are finally catching the vision of much needed change that their society needs, and have begun to rise up to the challenge of being change makers. However, while some have been able to lift their idea off the ground, some have sadly been unable to do likewise. I have spoken with many teen girls and guys who have told me at different times of their decision to let go of their dreams, because of setback which they encountered while trying to lift their “big idea off the ground.” In the words of Woodrow Wilson, the difference between a strong man and a weak one is that the former does not give up after a defeat. Many times, the setbacks we experience are not a result of our inadequacies but our unpreparedness. Sometimes, failure is li...